Friday, November 6, 2015

Hi everyone, I wanted to share my beautiful daughter Hazel's story with you. My husband and I have tryed for 5 years to conceive. Though much heart ache and 4 miscarriages we finally conceived our beautiful daughter in march of 2015! I was sent to a high risk dr at 16 weeks to check on our baby due to my many miscarriages!  The drs thought something was wrong but sent us home because the baby was just to small to run all the tests they needed.  So at 20 weeks we went back. The day I thought was going to the absolute best day turned a crazy direction quickly. We found out we where having a baby girl and couldn't be more excited.  About 3 minutes later the drs tell my husband and I that our daughter doesn't look "normal". Long story short our little Hazel was definitely not the definition of "normal". We where advised and asked by several drs to please abort her, dye to so many different issues she had.  Crazy right?  We had worked so very hard to get our daughter there was no way we where going to terminate my pregnancy due to since silly chromosome disorder.  So the pregnancy goes on we see drs every two weeks,  then every week and by week 28 I'm in so much pain I cannot stand.  I had been in bed rest since March (when I found out admit my pregnancy). Unfortunately my body was having issues holding my daughter in.  Hazel was diagnosed with hydrocephalus. This is a condition that makes fluid build up in her head.  At week 28 her head was measuring 38 weeks. This caused me to go into pre term labor.  I spend 5 days in the hospital on constant magnesium  (to stop labor and protect her brain). The worst experience ever,  extremely painful and exhausting. Than they where giving me steroid shots to build hazel's lungs up. My cervix was measuring 1cm and slightly thinned. Finally after 5 days of this torture I was aloud to go home on strict orders to do nothing.  So I did just that.  Sadly this did not work.  I go to my ob apt the very next week,  6 days after leaving the hospital. I'm in alot of pain and cannot stand for more than a minute. The drs check my cervix and I'm 4cm completely thinned with a bulging bag (my amniotic sac was ready to burst any minute). The layed me on my back and rushed me to the hospital where I began everything all over again.  Through my labor pains and contractions I started magnesium and steroids again.  24 hours later the drs decided to take Hazel out via c-section.  My body was to stressed as the babies head was measuring 41.5 weeks and she was only 30 weeks at this point. I go to surgery scared to death,  my husband is trying to comfort me.  All I keep saying is "its too early".... "She's going to die". After a couple hours around 4:30pm on October 28th 2015 or first daughter was born.  Silence.... we hear nothing... I yell out "my baby. .. why isn't she crying. .. please someone answer me." Nothing. Finally the drs tell me she's not breathing well and just like that I'm laying on a table with my husband holding my face and my baby went from my belly to what felt like gone.  Thankfully she was intubated and rushed to the NICU. The drs staple me up and send my husband with the baby.  As I lay there alone, scared or of my mind.  A first time mommy,  my daughter is to early and sick.  Why?  What did I do so wrong? I did this to my baby.  I caused this pain.  What an awful person I am. All these things are just racing through my head. They take me to recovery and my husband comes in with pictures.  Everything is ok now.  She's ok,  I'm ok.  What's next?  So the days goes on we find more and more out about hazel's differences! Hazel definitely had a chromosome disorder.  We have no idea what it is yet. The test have been sent out, but we wont find out the results for a while.  She has a skeletal disorder that we believe is part of her chromosome issue. We dont know if it's a deletion in the chromosome or if she is missing something.  Hopefully we week get those things back soon so we can put a name to her condition and potentially help her survive a long happy life. Hazels right leg is missing the bone we all call our shin. This causes her foot to turn in and her leg to turn into her left leg.  She had 6 ties in her right foot as well (so did grandpa.. this is a silly genetic thing passed down from daddy). Hazels ribs are sorry,  way to spaced apart and honestly just mangled. This causes her lungs to have to much pressure on them.  This is why she had to stay intubated until we can gain some more strength in her lung walls! Hazel has a definite scoliosis in the middle of her back.  She is missing a kidney (thankfully she has one that is in perfect working order).  She has the hydrocephalus that I already explained. This is caused from her spine. We ask have spinal fluid that drains from out head to our spine and into our bellies.  Hazel cannot release the fluid from her head and dwen her spine due to scoliosis causing a blockage. Dr did surgery on Monday the 2nd of November and put a shunt in which will remove the fluid from her head and travel that fluid into her belly. Hazels journey is stressful and crazy but she's the happiest little girl.  I will update as much as possible on her surgery and her improvements. As well as any set backs we may have! Thank you so much for reading and following this sweet little angel!  


  1. God Bless You and your little family Monica. Hold tight and stand your ground. Make them take care of her. Don't let anyone give up hope. God has a plan for her. I am praying hard for you and her. Hugs to you sweetheart! Love you.

  2. Thank you so much for your kind words and support. Prayers are very appriciated as we go throb this crazy journey. This little girl is such s fighter, I have no doubt she will accomplish great things!
